Bowling for Haiti
Get some friends and family together to form a team of 4-5 people to come out to support Haiti Joy Hope by bowling and having fun! There will be individual cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the highest score. Team prizes for the most strikes, most spares, and most combined team points. m
Cost: $200 per team (A team is 4-5 bowlers) Cost includes 2 games and shoe rental.
Location: Retro Bowl 906 Liberty Dr, Liberty MO 64068
Any questions: Contact us via email: Haitijoyhope@gmail.com, write “Bowling for Haiti” on the subject line
All proceeds go to Haiti Joy Hope
Haiti Joy Hope Silent Auction & Dessert 2023
Stop by to browse & bid on goods and services especially donated for this event and this purpose - to help a community, desperately-needed feeding programs, and a school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The current depth of need is inspiring us to pursue having the most meaningful and successful Silent Auction yet! You are invited to help us make that happen with donations for the Auction itself - and by coming to the event to find a treasure(s) you can bid on!! As you browse & bid, you can also enjoy complimentary Over Flow Coffee drinks and Rai’s Bake Shoppe pastries! At 1:30, all the fun begins! At 2:00, there will be a presentation given by Bev May, Executive Director, with updates on conditions as well as personal experiences with the children, church and community Haiti Joy Hope serves. Bidding closes at 3:30, and winning bidders are asked to pick up/pay for their items from 3:45-4:15. Please know that you Make a Difference for many in Haiti as you donate goods & services, as you spread the word about this event, as you help, as you listen & respond, and as you purchase some wonderful items! Thank you very much - or in Haitian Kreyol - Mesi anpil!

Haiti Joy Hope Silent Auction 2022
The public is invited for a Sunday afternoon to experience Haiti via video, photos and words shared by Founder and Executive Director, Bev May. This event will take place at Liberty Community Center and will help to provide what is needed for the Source de la Grace School and Feeding Program in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Auction items are from around the US and the world, including items from Haiti, special artisan jewelry, gift cards, etc. It will be a relaxed atmosphere as people visit, bid, enjoy complimentary Over Flow Coffee drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and bid some more! We invite you to come at any point during the afternoon, with bidding to close at 3:30pm, and winning bids announced at 3:45. Auctioned items are available to be picked up between 3:45 and 4:45.
Post Silent Auction Sale
A few items were not bid on at the Silent Auction, so we would like to make them available to you. Please contact us by email (haitijoyhope@gmail.com) about a particular item(s) shown, with a generous offer, and we will get back with you asap. All donations will go to cover operating costs of the School in 2020, whether this semester or the Fall semester of 2020. Mesi anpil! Thank you very much!
Haiti Joy Hope Annual Silent Auction
The public was invited to experience a couple of hours of Haiti, via video and photos and words shared by Founder and Executive Director, Bev May. Many items were donated to be auctioned from around the country and world, including crocheted items created by some of the kids at the Children’s Home, special artisan jewelry, paintings, photographs, creative wood pieces, etc. It was a joyful atmosphere as people visited, bid, ate snacks, and bid some more! The generous bids and donations totalled more than enough to cover the first semester of operational costs for the School, as well as a portion of the second semester. For our first big fundraiser as a ministry, we felt it went really well! We are so grateful for all those who participated!!

Oakhill Global Celebration
Haiti Joy Hope had the privilege of being included in the Oakhill Day School Annual Global Celebration event. Many countries were represented in this evening fair in Kansas City, Missouri. Haiti Joy Hope shared video and photos from recent trips to Haiti, some showing the beauty of the country, others showing the difficulties that the Haitian people live with on a daily basis. Bottled Coke and bracelets were available for donations to help the Children’s Home and the School that Haiti Joy Hope supports in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Liberty Fall Festival Booth
Thousands of people come to the Fall Festival weekend in Liberty, Missouri. Haiti Joy Hope had a booth just off the Liberty Square, which included not only sharing pictures and stories about life in Haiti and the children we minister to there, but you felt a little bit of Haiti drinking Coke from glass bottles and purchasing fun bracelets similar to ones made by the kids there.